Monday, September 8, 2014

Lower school meeting - September 8

AGENDA Lower school meeting- September 8th, 2014

I. Curriculum docs
II. Schedules
ü Planning periods
ü Lunch breaks
ü Lower school assembly
ü Read aloud time

III. Prayer areas
ü K-1
ü 2-3
ü 4-5
Homeroom teacher or asst from each class must be there.  Break and lunch times are in your schedules.  
Please do not leave students unattended at these times.

IV. Lesson Plans -  due on Mondays at 8 AM
V. Substitute folder
VI. First week planning 
VII. Hygiene Week
VIII. End of the day- 
preparing classroom for Qur’an classes
Escorting your students

IX. Other concerns

X. Open floor to questions
Teacher suggestions  include for the first day showing videos about hygiene/Ebola in our TV in the lobby.
An important reminder from teachers to have brooms, dust pains, buckets and rags.

The administration is acquiring an installing a pump to help the water to climb to the upper floors.

These are the documents I shared. 

Back to school checklist


  • Mr. M.Ndiaye will decorate the hallway at the top of the stairs.
  • Teachers will add inspiring mottos to their classrooms. 
  • Teachers will include in their outline for the first 2 days of school, Thursday and Friday, activities they intend to complete with their students.
  • Begin collecting documents for Substitute folder
  • Liquid Soap for bathrooms & water bathrooms- Mme Sarr is already intending to install a pump.  Liquid soap should be installed before Thursday, in sha Allah.
  • Brooms, dustpains, buckets and rags will provided for each homeroom.
We will have our first regular staff meeting on September 15th from 5 pm - 6pm, in sha Allah.

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