Wednesday, September 24, 2014

FIrst class- IQRA BA Teacher Contiuing Education- Islamic Studies

Taught by Oustaz Coulibaly

Knowledge is a gift from Allah.  It is the inheritance from the Prophet's.  Seekers of Knowledge inherit wisdom from the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa salaam).

It is a profession who helps other to succeed and achieve their dreams.  So, this an important career that influences the future of others.  He insists that just because someone doesn't have a job or has failed at reaching other dreams in life that I just become a teacher.  It is a serious profession that requires commitment and sacrifice.  

Teachers are the most important people, especially in the time of the Prophet (SAW). When he had an important mission, he would send those who had knowledge of the religion to be his messengers.  Teacher must make research and assure that the can teach the subjects that he has been contracted to teach.  

There are many differences between us and the teachers in the times before even though we have so many resources, i.e.internet, money, etc. He narrowed it down to 3 things that we don't have now:
1. Fear of Allah.  
2. Passion- Love: because they enjoy to teaching
3. Faith 

Most important is not the money, but the knowledge that you give to the students. 
One problem now is that teachers do not fear God.  An example he gave was of the teachers who strike often in Senegal.  They spend 1 month or more or less without being in the classrooms, and they still go to collect their salaries.

He said that teaching is the most noble of professions.

When asked the purpose of the series of classes, he mentioned that he wants us to better know ourselves and what we are capable of.  He wants us to be aware of our commitment to the students and their families.  So, that we can better fulfill the commitment.

When asked the purpose of this first class.  He said that he wants us to learn to :

  • help each other
  • help one another in the religion

The next class is scheduled for Monday, September 29, 2014 at 9:30 - 11:00.  It will also be our PD day.  The day will begin at 8:00.  

The Prophet Muhammad (sallaAllahu alayhi wa sallam ) said, “Whoever  takes a path for knowledge, Allah makes easy for him the path to Jannah.”

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