Monday, October 21, 2013

Spelling Bee 2013

For this year's spelling bee there have been some changes.  Below is the same information that I sent in today's email.  

Spelling Bee Rules
      The competition is divided between grade levels.  Kindergarten, first and  2nd grade comprises of the first level;   3rd, 4th and 5th  grade comprises the second level’; sixth through eighth grade comprises of the 3rd  level; and ninth grade through twelfth grade is the fourth and final level.  Therefore, we will have 4 winners, in sha Allah.
      Homeroom teachers (elementary school level) and language teachers of middle and high school levels will be responsible for the preliminary spelling bees.   The language teachers should hold spelling bees no later than Wednesday, October 23rd (one in French and the second in English).   There should be only 2 winners from each class:  one winner from the French spelling bee and another form the English spelling bee.  

Preliminary competitions:  The preliminary competitions will be held at the teachers’ discretion on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Final Competition:  The final competition for the 2 spelling bees for the lower school  will be held on Thursday, October 24th  during the Lower school assembly hour (9:45- 11 AM).  The final competition for the 2 spelling bees for the upper school will be on Friday, October 25th during the Deen Talks hour (8:15- 9:25).
1.     The top TWO spellers from each grade level will be eligible to participate at the FINALS. (This means only 2 students from each class.) 
2.     In competition, after the pronouncer gives the contestant a word the contestant MUST also pronounce the word before spelling it, after spelling it.
3.     The contestant may request the pronouncer to re-pronounce the word, define it, or use it in a sentence. The pronouncer shall grant the request until the judges agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the contestant. JUDGES MAY DISQUALIFY ANY CONTESTANT WHO IGNORES A REQUEST TO START SPELLING.
4.     Having started to spell a word, a contestant may stop and start over, retracing the spelling from the beginning, but in the retracing there can be no change of letters and their sequence from those first pronounced. If letters and their sequences are changed in the respelling the speller will be disqualified.
5.     Upon missing the spelling of a word, the contestant immediately drops out of the contest. The next word on the pronouncer’s list is given to the next contestant.
6.     When the contestants are reduced to two, the elimination procedure changes. At that point, when one contestant misspells a word, the other contestant shall be given an opportunity to spell that same word. If the second contestant spells the word correctly, plus the next word on the pronouncer’s list, then she/he shall be declared the winner.
7.     If one of the last two spellers misses and after correcting the error of the other’s word, misspells the new word submitted to her/him then the misspelled new word shall be referred to the first speller. If the first speller then succeeds in correcting the error and correctly spells the next word on the pronouncer’s list, then she/he shall be declared the winner.
8.     If both spellers misspell the same word, both shall continue in the contest, and the one who first misspells the word shall be given a new word to spell.
9.     The contest shall then continue for 25 rounds or until one of the 2 students is declared the winner.
10.  The decision of the judges is final on all questions.
11.  Homonyms will be accepted unless the speller asks for and receives a definition or use of the word in a sentence from the pronouncer or the judges.


The names of winning students must be submitted to Mrs. Gaye by 16:45 on Wednesday, October 23rd 2013.   Insert into my inbox or send it to me by email.   If you risk missing the deadline, please have a student give the list of winners to me or Mme Balde.  Thank you.

Suggestions:   Lower school - All students can participate in the spelling bees at the class levels during language class times for lower school.  Choose a class period in which all of your students are together instead of separating students into ESL and/or FSL students.  Even better do not separate during language hours so that the other language teacher may assist with the class spelling bee. This permits all students who are interested in participating in the spelling bee in either language have the opportunity to do so.  Conduct the spelling bee in one language.   Record the winner.   Then, conduct the spelling bee in the second language.  Record your winner.  Be sure to send the results to Mrs. GAYE.

Dilemma:  Perhaps in your class the winner of the English and French spelling bee is the same person.  First ask the winner which language he or she prefers to spell in.  Then, submit the name of the second place winner in the other language spelling bee. 

Deen teachers please note:  The lower school will still have their Deen classes.  Kindergarten and first graders in the kindergarten class room.  Second, third, fourth, and fifth graders will be in the fifth grade classroom.

Thursday: ENGLISH:  Elijah Ismael ABDALLAH       FRENCH: Mr.Cheikh DIALLO
Friday:     ENGLISH:   Mme PENDAME                  FRENCH:  Mr. Babacar LO

Teachers who will pronounce words: 
Thursday:  ENGLISH:    Mr Alioune NDIAYE            FRENCH:  Mme DIA
Friday:      ENGLISH:    Miss Sara                           FRENCH:  Mlle DIOP

Teachers who will be on hand to help things run smoothly: 
Thursdayall lower school homeroom teachers 
Friday:  all upper school homeroom teachers

Note:   Chez Alpha Books, a new English book store in Mammelles, has been invited to sell their books here on campus on Friday, October 25, 2013.  The time is still to be announced.  Each class will be assigned a time to be accompanied by teachers to view and possibly purchase books and other materials.  
Also, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will be taking a short trip over to Chez Alpha Books, in sha Allah.

Big thanks to Mrs. ZamZam  for the planning of this week's events.

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