Thursday, October 24, 2013

Garden Party for new Families

Date :Saturday, November 9, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Garden Party
Come celebrate a meeting moment of discoveries and sharing.
The Parent Teacher Association is inviting
all the studednets and thier parents to its Garden Party
on Saturday, November 9, 2013 to welcome
the new comers.
Each family should bring a dish,
two drinks and water.

Program : visit of the zoo, the botanic garden, the
sacred woods, the art corner, walkaton, games
and exchanges...

Garden Party
De l’APE
Venez célébrer un moment de rencontre, de découverte
et de partage.
Le bureau des parents d’élèves vous invite
à sa fête du samedi 09 novembre 2013
pour souhaiter la bienvenue aux nouveaux
élèves et aux nouveaux parents.
Chaque famille doit apporter un plat, deux boissons et
de l’eau.
Au programme : visite du zoo, du jardin botanique,
du bois sacré, du coin des arts , randonnée
pédestre, jeux et échanges...

The parents are hosting this event and are asking our help.  

Contact ZamZam, Mme Anta or Mme Gaye for more information.

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