Thursday, October 10, 2013

We talked so much about HIJAB during our PD

Assalaamou alaikum,
Another good read... 

How remarkable and astonishing it is that the way Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala created  Islam, every detail in it has deeply rooted meanings, values, and effects. So much so, in fact, that each letter found in the Quran is a carefully placed treasure. If anything in it was even slightly altered, misplaced, or mispronounced, this completely changes the original meanings it was intended to have. The hasaanat, moreover, for pronouncing each letter are also mighty because they are multiplied by ten.
Overall, nothing in Islam, even washing in between the toes during wudu, is insignificant. Some matters are simply more important than others, but everything revealed to us by our Lord is noteworthy. Subhan Allah.
In addition to this, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala specifically chose for this blessed religion to be conveyed in Arabic because of the incredible richness the language carries, which is parallel to no other language. For instance, much can be expressed in the ancient Arabic language by a few words, but the quality of rhetoric never wanes. Arabic words have multiple meanings, they can quickly stir vehement emotions, draw vivid pictures for us to clearly visualize, and be strung together flawlessly like the beads of a necklace to create eloquent verses, all by the power and grace of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Not to mention, each word in the Quran has been preserved for over 1400 years, and yet, everything in it is just as applicable today as it was in the past and will be in the future. After all, the religion of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is meant for all of humankind, for all times.
With these things in mind, it would be committing a severe injustice to appreciate the letters, words, verses, rulings, and all the other blessings of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala only at face value. Doing so would be more ignorant than appreciating the human body by what only the naked eye can see, when there are a myriad of miraculous functions, designs, networks, and complexities found only inside the body. Similarly, beneath the surface of every letter, word, verse, and ruling in the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has placed infinite priceless jewels waiting to be discovered. To unbury them, we are commanded to seek ilm (knowledge) and ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is in between.
It comes as no surprise, then, that the commandment of hijab is meant to teach us a lot more than willingly throwing sheets over our bodies in front of non-mahram men – just like salah is supposed to teach us far more than the physical actions of salah, we should learn humility and elimination of racism from it too, for example – if we grasp the spirit of it.
In addition to dressing modestly outdoors, hijab is also meant to teach women to fully honor the bodies they have been blessed with by embracing hayaa at all times, in front of every type of person, in all different situations.
Therefore, before anyone of us hijabis dares to point a finger criticizing the sister that doesn’t wear hijab properly, be it because of tight clothes, ostentation, glamorous abayas, hair showing, or whatever else the reason may be, let us thoroughly examine ourselves first. Have we seriously, truly, allowed hijab to teach us all it is meant to teach? Do we express genuine modesty not only outdoors, but in the presence of our fellow Muslimahs, siblings, parents, and husbands as well?
Islam does not define hayaa as embarrassment or humiliation a woman (or man) feels about herself. Rather, it perceives it as the care and concern she has about persevering her modesty at all times through dressing appropriately in front of all people.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, I honestly cannot thank my Lord enough that hijab has actually taught me this. I have learned that hayaa is more close and beloved to me than my very own garments themselves. Although, of course, there is always room for improvement, I have certainly come a long way.
Even in front of people allowed to see me unveiled, I do not have the heart to wear immodest clothes. I can never wear pants that have some awkward saying displayed grossly on the rear end to emphasize the hips, or shirts that do similar to emphasize the chest, or low cut tops, excessively tight clothes, and the list goes on and on.
Finish the article :

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