Thursday, October 1, 2015

Upcoming events and dues dates

Upcoming events and dues dates

Oct 5:Open House
Oct 16 Progress reports due to admin
Oct 26 PD DAY
OCT 27 -Progress reports to students
Oct 27-30: Spelling Bees
Nov 9-13: Xam Sa Deen Competition
Nov 16: Study guides - HS only
Nov 16: All Staff Meeting
Nov 23:PD DAY 
Nov 24: Exams due- HS only
Nov 30:last day sem 1 Pre K - 8; notebooks home to parents - LS
Dec 1: no school
Dec 2:Report card comments to admin
Dec 7: Report card grades due to admin
Dec 14- 18: Finals HS only
Dec 18:
morning PD/afternoon conferences; notebooks home to parents -LS
Jan 11:All Staff Meeting
Jan 25: PD (cancelled) School in session
Jan 27: notebooks home to parents - LS
FEB 1:-4 TESTING (cancelled) we are reseaching new forms of testing
Feb 1:
Midterm guides due to admin
Feb 8 : Study guides to students
Feb 15: All Staff Meeting

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