Sunday, February 2, 2014


Feb 05: Progress reports due to admin
Feb 21: Last day of semester
Feb 24: PD day
Feb 25 –Feb 28:  MIDTERM EXAMS
Mar 05: Midterm grades to admin
Mar 14: Report cards to admin
Mar 24: PD day
Apr 4: No school
Apr 12-20: No school
Apr 28: PD day
May 1: No school
May 19: Final Exam Guides given to students
May 26: PD day
May 29: No school
June 02: Report comments due to admin
June 4-5; June 10-11: Final Exams
June 9: No school
June 13: Last Day of Classes
June 16: Final Report cards due to admin
Jun 24-26 Teacher Pack Up / PD Days

Lesson plans due weekly on Tuesdays by 3PM

Print this page and keep it in your portfolio.

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