Sunday, November 23, 2014

Teaching Deenyat or Arabic . . . is a great online place for free downloads and other information for Deenyat and Arabic teachers.

Teacher Tip:Free E-Books

Sometimes the advice from another teacher is just what you need to help solve a problem of yours.  This blog has 26 free ebooks.

Download as many as you like.  Get tips from teachers like you.

PD Monday, November 24th, in sha Allah

The PD will start at 8:30 AM, in sha Allah.  Please be on time.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Lower School Meeting Notes

Meeting notes
Wednesday, Nov 19th- Lower School Meeting 5 PM

Ø French essay contest  - Please inform your students. Chance to win a prize of $100 Check your emails.
Ø Teacher Evaluations (informal)- Mme Gaye has started & intends to visit next week, in sha Allah
Ø Lesson plans- on time only 4 teachers submitted on time this week
Ø Feedback -lesson plans  - to help improve the content and format
Ø Objectives - from lesson plans - Objectives for each lesson should be written on the board for students to copy.  Objectives may be written into 1st person, and/ or in a simple language so that your students may understand and are able to explain what they aredoing in teir classes when asked
Ø Noise in the hallways, lunch time, prayer times
             Students should walk quietly through the hallway and any other shared spaces to limit the noise throughout the building during key times - (i.e.prayer time, recess, lunch time, etc)   
Please close classroom doors- between 1:30-2:15 daily 
Ø Qur’an class 9:30-10:45  - circulation of students- 
Bathrooms on upper floors insist that your students use them ; water ask your students to take their water bottles with them to decrease the number of students circulating through the hallways during the Qur'an class time
All Qur'an classes will end at 10:45 
Ø Curriculum for the rest of the year - available soon
Ø Supplies - request by email- oral request tend to be misplaced.  Supplies will now e ordered weekly before the end of the day on Monday, please be sure to email in your requests
Ø Budget- Lower School to be prepared - January, in sha Allah
Ø Attendance- a student has been assigned to take attendance to Mme Balde's office every morning on days when Mme Gaye is not available   online attendance documents are due  in sha Allah- Dec 5th
Ø Duty Chart- please be available- decrease student incidents
Ø Engrade- all grades should be entered   Miss Meeka, Miss Khadija Ndao, Mr.M. Ndiaye,  Mr.M.S. Ndiaye and Mr.  J. Sall have now been added to the engrade system 
Ø Maintenance in the building label trash any items that must be removed from the classrooms or adjoining areas.  Email Mme GAYE if there are broken items throughout the building
Ø Homeroom time- family time; pack-up time
Ø 4:25- bus kids must leave their classrooms all other students must descend at 4:30
Ø Balconies- There must be adult supervision 
Ø Teacher Tardiness - the building will be closed from 8:10 - 8:45;  If you leave the building before this time, plan to be back before 8:10.  If not you will be outside for the 35 minutes the door is closed
Leaving Early - before leaving school premises for more than 20 minutes.  Complete and Early departure form.  It must be signed by me before you go to see Mr. Mujahid- Deen.
Ø Sending notebooks home on Nov 28th, in sha Allah  =  t is te end of the semester.  ALL Notebooks must be sent home to be signed with your students on this Friday (Nov 28th)  We will start a regular system of parent notebook check for the new semester in sha ALLAH
Ø Separation of students by sexes  in all classes 2nd grade and up 
Ø Report Cards once the standards are complete, a copy for each student will be made, in sha Allah
Ø Textbooks/fees- have arrived.  The administration will cover the books with plastic.  Students must NOT write in the books.  The teacher must only write a Number inside the book, and keep records of who owns which book.  LOST BOOK fee = 10,000f cfa
Ø Meeting tomorrow for Islamic team -  All students must stay in their home rooms during the hour of Qur'an

Thursday, November 13, 2014



The winners are:

Mouhamed F. , Kindergarten
Marieme D, 4th grade
Aminata G., 4th grade
Binetou S., 6th grade

Special mention and prizes for :

Shabeeb, 1st grade
Adja A.T., 6th grade
Sokhna A.M., 8th grade

We will have a special ceremony for the winners of this competition, and for the Spelling Bee soon, in sha Allah.  

May Allah reward all of the participants, students, Oustaz, Oustaza and teachers with good.  Ameen.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Staff Meeting- November 10th

General staff meeting:  Mme N. Sarr; Mme R. Sarr; Mme Mbodj; Mme Aidara; Mme Maguette;  Mr. Mbengue; Oustaz Ba; Mr.Rushdan; Mr. Sy;  Afalabi;  Mr. Sall;  Miss Ndour; Mr. Faye; Mr. Diagne;  AbdouChakour, Miss Meeka, Mr.N. Diouf, Mr.Ndiaye, 2nd grade asst;  Sulaiman; Miss Marie; Mme Diouf; Miss Khadija;  Mme Ndoye;  Miss Anotinette;  Mme Pendame;  Mme Diagne; 

Ø Punishments for 6th- 11th graders   Saturday Detention
We will think of something for Lower School students  for incomplete homework assignments
Ø Please get in your study guides before the end of today - High School teachers (9th- 11th grade)
Ø Call in as soon as possible if you will be absent. Please avoid calling on the day of your appt, rendez-vous, etc.
Ø All comments for students PS - 8 will be due DEC 1st, in sha Allah
Ø XAM SA DEEN Competition will be on Thurs Nov 13th at 9am 
                               All teachers must be present to assist with this event 
Ø Uniform warning letters we will start this tomorrow
Ø IOU online university visited today
English program
Some of our staff members can either be students or a TA asst.
Although the program is not free of charge it is at reduced price for teachers.

Ø Congrats to the Spelling Bee Committee
Ø The Islamic Sleep Over/Conference
Ø The nurse is here.
Medications should now be in the nurse’s office. She will now be responsible for these types of things.  She will be registering names to find out the frequency that students are using the services.
These services are also available for teachers and staff members as well.
Ø Photocopy machine is here. Mme Sarr will be photocopying for us until the new machine is fully functional. It should be fully functional tomorrow afternoon.   Please anticipate what you will  need for the week.  Complete the form that she has available if you would like to have copies made. 
Ø The container filled with books will be arriving in DEC
Ø ENGRADE meetings 8:15AM tomorrow and 9:45 AM Wednesday in sha Allah
Please attend one meeting or the other
Ø A teacher liason is needed for the PTA meeting
SO now we will have an upper lower school representatives  both Amos and Mme Aidara are the PTA representatives.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


 Thursday, November 13th
9 AM
Back courtyard

in sha Allah

We hope that you will attend.

Monday, November 3, 2014

PTA General Assembly Meeting - NOV 8th 10AM


The first meeting of the year for the PTA will be on Saturday, November 8th
at 10 AM. 

We hope that you will attend.